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Mulching Film

Unleash the potential of our Mulching Film, which includes Agri Mulching Sheet and Silver Mulching Film. With over 7 years of experience in manufacturing, supplying, trading, and wholesaling, we offer optimum quality products that are in demand in the domestic market all over India. Mulching Film is a remarkable product that provides instant savings to farmers by reducing water usage and controlling weed growth. It also helps in maintaining soil temperature and moisture, resulting in better crop yield. Our Mulching Film is gorgeous and can be personalised according to the specific needs of the customers. Some of the advantages and features of our Mulching Film include its ability to prevent soil erosion, increase soil fertility, and reduce the need for pesticides and fertilisers. It is also easy to install and remove, making it a cost-effective solution for farmers. Choose our Mulching Film for a remarkable farming experience.

Silver Mulching Film

  • Cover Material:PC Sheet
  • Greenhouse Size:Small
  • Product Type:Plastic shed
Price: 950 INR/Number

Agri Mulching Sheet

  • Greenhouse Size:Large
  • Cover Material:PC Sheet
  • Product Type:Plastic shed